Kenneth Teh

Full-Stack Web Developer


Or skip ahead to my Github page: See my repos

Guest Tracker (Rails)

Reminders (Google Apps Script)

Twitter Clone (Rails)

Online Store (Rails)

Note App (React.js)

URL Shortener (Phoenix)


Kenneth Teh is a full-stack web developer who graduated from Alpha Camp, a 12-week full-time web development bootcamp.

  • Framework: Ruby on Rails
  • Databases: PostgreSQL, Redis
  • Front-end: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript
  • Testing: RSpec
  • CI and deployment: CircleCI and Heroku
  • Before this, he was an Investment Associate at Fast-Track Singapore. Most recently, he spent some time working on a few startup and app ideas: TagToPrint, a social media hashtag printing service; Store of Article, a web content/press release outsourcing site; and Foosh, an app that lets you schedule hangouts with your friends instantly. He graduated from UCLA with a degree in Business Economics.

    Contact Me

    If you have something exciting you are trying to build, do send me an email through the form below:


    Guest Tracker

    Guest Tracking System (Rails) - this simple app solved an annoying problem for us in church. Basically, we were using a group chat for our host team to keep track of new guests in church, but the issue was that we didn't have a common list that could be added to or edited. Instead, we were manually copying and pasting previous lists, then adding to/editing them. Blog post here.

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    Reminders (Google Apps Script)

    Birthday/Event Reminder App (Google Apps Script) - wrote a few lines of code to make my initial 'app' accessible to non-coders. This app sends reminder messages to a chat group through the Telegram bot API.

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    Twitter Clone (Rails)

    Twitter Clone - Class project. This was quite interesting because I managed to try out quite a few methods of implementing the Twitter hashtag functionality. Version 1: has_many association, Version 2: Nested forms, Version 3: inline hashtagging and mark.js for link highlighting.

    Twitter Clone Redo - Did this when the project was over to solidify my understanding of self-referential associations. Deployed here. Also wrote a guide for my fellow students (and anyone else who's struggling with this!)

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    Online Store (Rails)

    Online Store - Built an online store using Rails, sessions and Redis (pair project).

    Online Store Redo - Redid this after the project so I could have clean code and so I could write a guide on how to build an e-commerce store with Rails.

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    Note App (React.js)

    Note Taking App Version 1.0 - I had to learn React.js on my own, because as part of Alpha Camp, we had to work on an external project with Zalora, and their preferred front-end library was React.js. Did this as part of our Alumni Meetup (where we were coincidentally discussing React).

    Note Taking App Version 1.1 - I wasn't satisfied with the first app, because it seemed like I wasn't following the spirit of React, or even coding in general (the code was a mess), so I redid it here. Deployed here. You can read my blog post on Medium.

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    URL Shortener (Phoenix)

    URL Shortener - As part of our Alumni Meetup series, we were self-learning Elixir and Phoenix to share. This was the project I built to learn about routing and redirecting in Phoenix. Also wrote about it on Medium. You can try out the app on Heroku

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